Monday, May 25, 2009

We're Finally Home

Picture 1: Mommy on the Tea Cups at Disney
Picture 2: Daddy on the Pirates of the Caribean area at Disney
Justin and I had a great time in California. He learned a lot in class on Wednesday and Thursday and I did a lot of relaxing those two days. I was able to watch day time tv, exercise, and read my book by the pool. Friday we headed over to Disney Land and Saturday we went to the beach and to Disney's California adventure. We had a great time but horrible flights. I really have a love/hate relationship with the denver airport. Love because I was able to see my sister twice this week. She met us for to bring us supper on Tuesday night and Lunch on Sunday morning it was awesome to see her even though it was only for a short while. We were an hour late getting into California on Tuesday night because of a cargo issue on our plane. It wasn't good as we were expecting to get there while it was still light out and by time we got there it was dark. On Sunday we sat in the Denver airport for 5 hours. Our plane was delayed first due to a thunderstorm and tornado warning. They started boarding the plane and realized we had a mechanical problem and they didn't have the parts to fix it. Eventually, another plane came and was able to take us to Omaha. We picked Jake up at Grandma and Grandpa Carlson's at midnight (we were expecting to be home by 7:30 at the latest). It was a late night for us luckily we didn't have to work today. We had a great trip and were so lucky to get to go to California.

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