Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wagon Ride Grandma

After church and lunch Jake and Ellie went to Grandma while we all went to the farm to work on the garden and the fruit trees. Jake was so tired he fell asleep in Ellies arms. As you can see from all my posts we have had a busy weekend. We are pretty much ready for the week ahead. Justin and I go to California on Tuesday. Daddy will go to class for work on Wednesday and Thursday and we are going to Disney on Friday. I am soooooo excited to go to Disney. Yes I have been there before when I was just 3 years old. I have a few memories of it and can't wait to go again. Jake will spend time with both sets of Grandparents during the week and Weekend. We will be home on Sunday and were lucky to have an extra day off with memorial day on Monday. We'll post pictures from Disney when we get home.

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