Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ice Cream

Daddy had an ice cream cone tonight and Jake thought he needed some. He loved it. He was s horrible mess. I had one later and he needed some of mine too. Maybe it filled his tummy enought so he will sleep through the night tonight.


I don't know what made us think Jake would like his pool. We should have known he wouldn't like it. He hates to take a bath so we usually get them done as fast as we can. We got Jake in pool and he did eventually sit down after I made daddy go in and get him some warm water. It was fun to sit outside and watch him play a little. We will have to invite his cousing Ellie over to swim so she can show him how much fun it is.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A relaxing Memorial Day

We were happy to have a quite day at home today. Jake was able to play outside in the shade with his toys. He is sitting on a blanket as we have found that he doesn't like the feel of grass. He played nicely for quite a while but then decided he needed to try and eat the grass. That was when I knew it was time to go in the house.

We're Finally Home

Picture 1: Mommy on the Tea Cups at Disney
Picture 2: Daddy on the Pirates of the Caribean area at Disney
Justin and I had a great time in California. He learned a lot in class on Wednesday and Thursday and I did a lot of relaxing those two days. I was able to watch day time tv, exercise, and read my book by the pool. Friday we headed over to Disney Land and Saturday we went to the beach and to Disney's California adventure. We had a great time but horrible flights. I really have a love/hate relationship with the denver airport. Love because I was able to see my sister twice this week. She met us for to bring us supper on Tuesday night and Lunch on Sunday morning it was awesome to see her even though it was only for a short while. We were an hour late getting into California on Tuesday night because of a cargo issue on our plane. It wasn't good as we were expecting to get there while it was still light out and by time we got there it was dark. On Sunday we sat in the Denver airport for 5 hours. Our plane was delayed first due to a thunderstorm and tornado warning. They started boarding the plane and realized we had a mechanical problem and they didn't have the parts to fix it. Eventually, another plane came and was able to take us to Omaha. We picked Jake up at Grandma and Grandpa Carlson's at midnight (we were expecting to be home by 7:30 at the latest). It was a late night for us luckily we didn't have to work today. We had a great trip and were so lucky to get to go to California.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wagon Ride Grandma

After church and lunch Jake and Ellie went to Grandma while we all went to the farm to work on the garden and the fruit trees. Jake was so tired he fell asleep in Ellies arms. As you can see from all my posts we have had a busy weekend. We are pretty much ready for the week ahead. Justin and I go to California on Tuesday. Daddy will go to class for work on Wednesday and Thursday and we are going to Disney on Friday. I am soooooo excited to go to Disney. Yes I have been there before when I was just 3 years old. I have a few memories of it and can't wait to go again. Jake will spend time with both sets of Grandparents during the week and Weekend. We will be home on Sunday and were lucky to have an extra day off with memorial day on Monday. We'll post pictures from Disney when we get home.

Cradel Rocking at Chruch in Hurley

Jake and his cousin Isabelle both got rocked in the cradel at church in Hurley today. He was such a good boy. Daddy had took him up front and Alex took Isabelle up. They both did such a good job. Jake just sat there and smiled while the big kids sang their song.

Cherrios Mommy

Early Saturday morning Jake was digging in his diaper bag. I turn around and he had his cheerios out and was eating them. Luckly he didn't spill too many on the floor and ate most of what he got out. He is such a stinker and he LOVES to have treats.

Me and My buddy Jenna

Jenna stopped by Friday night to see us. She is 6 months old and pretty close to Jake in height.

Mommy's other Helper

Friday night when I got home i just needed to finish sewing one thing and Jake just had to help. I think he'll be sewing his own projects soon or maybe he will be out in the garage working with daddy we'll have to see.

Playing with my Truck and Payloader

Daddy took this picture while I was out shopping Friday night. What a good little boy playing so nice by himself.

Mommy's Helper

Cousin Ellie got to come over for a little while on Thursday night. She is such a good helper. You can see her helping with Jakes bath and waiting nicely for her turn. She is going to be a good BIG sister.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All Jake wanted to do tonight was play with the computer here is his post!!

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Ear Update

Jake was back at the doctor again on Monday and has yet another ear infection. We were able to get into the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist on Tuesday. She suggested that Jake have tubes put in his hears. He will have this done on Friday June 5th. The day after his first birthday. We are praying that everything goes good and that this will end our long road of ear infections.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Take me for a bike ride Grandpa

Jake has really enjoyed the bide seat the grandpa and grandma have. I'm sure it will warm up soon so that we can go on longer rides with out our coats. Sometimes mom and Jake even walk to Grandma's and borrow her bike so we can go for a ride.

I had to post a quick picture of our Tulips. I actually got them for one of my baby showers last year. Jake had enough of mommy and the camera and wasn't up for the picuture but I still think it's a cute picture.

Swinging at the Park

Jake and I made a quick trip to the park Saturday night while daddy mowed the lawn. We are lucky to have a park pretty close to our house.
Happy Mother's Day Mommy

My poor Black Eye

It's hard to see in the picure but Jake got his first black eye on Thursday. (right side) He got hit with a toy at daycare. I'm sure this won't be the the last black eye he gets.

The Race Against Breat Cancer

Saturday morning started early with us walking in the Avera Race Against Breast Cancer. In the pictures you can see Jake and his cousin Ellie. We were on Aunt Melissa's team this year you can see the group picture about. Hopefully, we will have even more people on our team next year. It was a successful event with almost 5000 people between the walk and run. We had fun on our three mile walk. Luckliy Jake decided to take a nap during it so he could cuddle up with his blanket and keep warm.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Whoes Faster??

Ellie and Jake were having a good time racing after the pelican daddy was pulling. Ellie eventually won but she is such a good little cousin teaching Jake the ropes. Jake also likes to race Grandpa when he is over there but he can definatly beat Grandpa any day.

Basketball Anyone

Jake likes to play with his basketball hoop now. Probably beacuse of all the fun noices it makes. We can thank aunt Sheri for the noisy toy but we will get her back. Today he put his car in the hoop so he couldn't get the balls through. He didn't want to take the car out so he just put the balls though the other hole of the hoop so it would still make noice.

Rice What's This??

Jake was sitting on my lap the other night when i was trying to finish up supper. He was a crabby little boy. He kept grabbing for my rice so daddy got him some in a bowl. He ate it pretty good and was very interested. Eventually the rest ended up on the floor. That was fun to clean up. He also loves to see what the sample ladies have in the grocery store (and the sample ladies love him) when he is with Grandpa. I turned around to put stuff in the cart today and they were having cake. I will have to remember to pack my camera next time makes quite a mess. If only Jake could tell me what else Grandpa gives him when mommy and daddy aren't around.

I learned to open the cupboards

So Jake learned to open and unlaod the cupboards this week. You can see him playing with various food items. He knows he isn't supposed to do it but boy is it fun when mommy is trying to get ready for work in the morning. I went to put groceries away this afternoon and had to rearrange everything to get the groceries to fit. Now he will have some new toys to play with.