Friday, February 27, 2009

A Busy Boy

Jake continues to be a busy boy. He has mastered the art of rolling around the house and just today decided he can scoot a little. I'm sure he will be crawling soon but just can't get the hang of it. He likes to be daddy's little helper and help load the dish washer (the spoon we gave him was clean). We also found out last weekend that he is very scared of the vaccum cleaner. The middle picture show you how mad he was. It is interesting how something that never bothered him before could make him so mad. They vaccum every day at daycare. Monday after we took this picture we picked him up at daycare and Angel told us he is now scared of it there too. Guess Jake will just have to go over to Grandmas when mom is cleaning.

1 comment:

T said...

Jordan is now scared of the vacuum too...he gets a pouty lip and then starts wailing. He is also scared of the toliet flushing in the public bathrooms. HOpe you guys are doing good. Tamara