Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Busy Weekend

We had a busy weekend at our house. Saturday we Jake saw all of his grandparents and great grandma Jake. Grandma made Cheese cake so we had our own mini valentines party. Grandma Marlene stayed with Jake so mommy and daddy could go out to supper for valentines day and do a little shopping. Sunday we got up and went to church and then headed to Hurley for cousin Isabelle's baptism. It was great to share this moment with her. Daddy is one of her god parents along with uncle Jeremy and Dan's sister Amanda. Jake had a great time playing with everyone. He has been a little crabby this past week. We think he is still working on those teeth. He has also had a cold. We went to the doctor Thursday and are thankful we don't have RSV. Their are actually 3 cases of RSV in his room at daycare, one poor little boy was even hospitalized. We hope his friends will be feeling much better very soon and will be back to play. I will attache a few pictures from the baptism and a few video's we took this week. Jake really wants to crawl but just can't get it. He is starting to get frustrated that he can't quite crawl yet.

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