Sunday, January 16, 2011

Helpin Daddy fix the Car and Watchin a Movie

Jake had a busy day yesterday playing with his cousins at Isabelle's birthday party and he was able to spend the night at Grandma Marlene and Grandpa Ron's. After all that excitement we had a lazy day at home. He wanted to cuddle up in the chair with my blanket and watch the movie Cars. He did have time to go out and help daddy work on my car. Hopefully daddy can fix that horrible noise it is making.

Happy 2nd Birthday Isabelle

We were able to celebrate Isabelle's second birthday on Saturday. Sydney is modeling the tutu I made for Isabelle I'm pretty proud of it. Guess we will have to make one for Sydney too. Can't believe that Lucy took a picture with the party hat on but she did. Happy Birthday Isabelle!!!

I wear my sunglasses at night

Jake hanging out in his sunglasses and daddy testing out our new camera.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lucy 3 monts Old

Lucy is already three months old. Time flies. She wasn't the happies girl when I was taking her picture. I couldn't resist taking a picture with her super cute booties that Grandma Marlene made for christmas (daddy hates the booties) and Jake couldn't help but jump in for at least one picture.

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!! Jake is wearing the super cute Happy New Year hat he made at school and eating christmas tree ice cream. YUMO

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lucy's Baptism

Lucy got baptised on December 26th. She was even able to wear mommy's baptism dress and hat.

Christmas at Grandpa Ron's and Grandma Marlene's

Christmas at Grandpa Frank's and Grandma Barb's

Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas. On Christmas Eve were were able to join Grandma Carlson for church in Hurley and Lucy and I were also able to go to our church. After church we headed over to my Grandma Jake's to celebrate with my dads side of the family. I have to thank my aunts for thr wonderful LOUD toys. Christmas morning I had to wake Jake a little after 7 to open presents. I couldn't wait any longer. Jake got his gator which he asked Santa for and a ton of other stuff. Lucy got her dolly which Jake told Santa she needed a little later in the day at Grandama Barbs. We headed to Grandma Barbs and Grandpa Frank's later in the morning and had lunch with them. Then headed home for a quick nap before we headed to Grandpa Ron's and Grandma Marlene's house. We had a great time everywhere we went opening presents and spending time with family.