Saturday, October 24, 2009

I know it's about time that I got around to posting pictures. I have many excuses for not posting lately. Our desk top computer has a virus and had to go get fixed. I have such a hard time puting pictures on our desk top. I have also been a little under the weather lately. I have had a cough for what Justin says has been three weeks and I also have a Staph infection that is finally getting better after two rounds of antibiotics. Jake has been feeling pretty good. He got sent home from daycare one day with a fever but other than that he's been good. He is catching a little bit of my cough but countinues to eat us out of house and home so we know he is doing good. Have a great week everyone and hopefully you will see Halloween pictures of our little Yoda next week.

Jake's Pumpkin

Jake painted his pumpkin last Friday at daycare. I think he did a great job. Yes that is the only spot that is painted but what do you expect for a 16 month old. He really doesn't like to draw or finger paint or any of that kid of thing yet but hopefully he will soon. It did start out with a stem on it but Jake sometimes thinks his pumpkin is a ball and throughs it. That is how we lost the stem.

Hangin on the couch with Daddy

Jake in his Huntin bibs with with duck daddy named Howard.

Playin at my Cousins

Some cute pictures of Jake and Ellie playing at Ellie's house. Can't believe they actually played star wars. Must have know what to do from watching their dads play the Star Wars WII game.