Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sick Kiddo Update

So Jake still has an ear infection and his Thrush is worse. I am starting to feel like this little guy is never going to get better. We started shots for his ear infection today. He got one shot today will get one tomorrow (Wednesday) and the final one on Thursday. We also got a new medine for his Thrush that he will be on for 14 days. Hopefully, these new medicines will work and he will be feeling much better soon. We are very lucky that he hasn't been too crabby and are very thankful that Grandpa and Grandma are able to bring him up to the doctor so we don't have to take much time away from work. Say a little prayer for our little guy tonight that he will be feeling better very soon.

1 comment:

T said...

Hopefully Jake will start feeling better soon! It doesn't sound fun at all or him or you guys. Poor guy has to get shots. Hopefully the new medicine will work. Good luck.