Friday, April 24, 2009

Feelin Better

Thought I better let our followers know that Jake's ear infection is finally getting better. He got his third shot yesterday and the doctor thought his ears were looking ok. He doesn't have to go back till his one year check unless he shows signs of his ears hurting. One year is just around the corner. Justin and I are off to the cities for the weekend. Jake is going to have fun with grandma and grandpa. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sick Kiddo Update

So Jake still has an ear infection and his Thrush is worse. I am starting to feel like this little guy is never going to get better. We started shots for his ear infection today. He got one shot today will get one tomorrow (Wednesday) and the final one on Thursday. We also got a new medine for his Thrush that he will be on for 14 days. Hopefully, these new medicines will work and he will be feeling much better soon. We are very lucky that he hasn't been too crabby and are very thankful that Grandpa and Grandma are able to bring him up to the doctor so we don't have to take much time away from work. Say a little prayer for our little guy tonight that he will be feeling better very soon.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A New Place to Hide

Jake found a new place to hide. Under his bed. Daddy was in his room with him when he came out and told me to get the camera. He found another passe under there maybe that was what he was after.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A little under the Weather

Just a quick Jake update. Many of you proably know we Jake was diagnosed with Pink Eye and another Ear Infection last Thursday night. Let me tell you giving him eye drops every three hours isn't fun. Thankfully, Grandma and Grandpa were able to watch him so mommy and daddy could go to work. We headed back to the doctor today ane he now has Thrush and our doctor thought his ear infection looked pretty bad instead of better. So we started two new antibiotics today one for the thrush and a new ear infection medication. We are done with pink eye drops tomorrow YEAH!! Jake has had a blast spending extra time with Grandpa and Grandma and has maybe gotten a little spoiled by Grandpa too. Say a little prayer that our little guys gets better soon. We are hoping for the best!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Hope everyone is having a great easter. This quick picture is Jake in his easter outfit playing with his plastic eggs. It was a little cold for shorts today but covered in a blanket it all worked out. Maybe we will post more pictures later as we are waiting for Jake's cousin's to come for supper.

Starting To Walk

Ok so I tried to get Jake to walk behind this toy yesterday at Grandma & Grandpas and he wasn't having it. I guess a day makes all the differnece because daddy got him to walk across the floor today. He really wants to stand up in the middle of the floor so I'm thinking he will be walking soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A good little Stander

Jake has learned to stand pretty good now. He can get up on quite a few things around the house. You can see him here helping daddy with the dishes.