Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ear Infection Update!

Jake had a double ear infection when he went in for his 9 month doctor appointment 12 days ago. He was on an antibiotic for 10 days and didn't seem to be doing too much better. I took him back to the doctor yesterday and he still has a double ear infection. Dr. Eich said it even looked a little worse. So we are now on another antibiotic for 10 more days. Hopefully, our little guy will be feeling better very soon. Grandma also discovered tonight that one of his top teeth have come it. We have only seen it a couple times. It looks like the one next to it is trying to come in too and it is bothering him a little bit. I hopeful for weekend full of rest and that we will all be feeling better soon. Justin and I both have little colds too.

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