Sunday, March 29, 2009

A trip to the Butteryfly House

Daddy and Jake went to the butterfly house today. They went with grandma and grandpa, his cousins, Ellie and Isablelle and their parents. Daddy said they had a good time. I stayed home and worked on cleaning the house. It's amazing how much stuff you can get done when no one is home to bother you.

Tired Boy

I had to post this picture of Jake sleeping with his ball in his hand. Daddy was changing his pants and gave him his ball in an attempt to get him to lay still. I told don't give him that i was going to put him down for a nap. Well he wasn't going to sleep with out his ball.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ear Infection Update!

Jake had a double ear infection when he went in for his 9 month doctor appointment 12 days ago. He was on an antibiotic for 10 days and didn't seem to be doing too much better. I took him back to the doctor yesterday and he still has a double ear infection. Dr. Eich said it even looked a little worse. So we are now on another antibiotic for 10 more days. Hopefully, our little guy will be feeling better very soon. Grandma also discovered tonight that one of his top teeth have come it. We have only seen it a couple times. It looks like the one next to it is trying to come in too and it is bothering him a little bit. I hopeful for weekend full of rest and that we will all be feeling better soon. Justin and I both have little colds too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Jake got to make a Tye Dye shirt at daycare today for St Patrick's day. I don't think he really got to help but the shirt turned out super cute. I bought a bigger shirt so hopefully he will be able to wear it for a while.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ball Boy!!

I finally got my quilt done Sunday. It had only been on the rack since before Jake was born. So we were able to put up his ball pit. Ok it is really his pool that I got last summer really cheap at Target and all of Grandma Carlson's balls. We will see how long it lasts before mommy and daddy get sick of picking up the balls.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


We got one of Jake's many sleds out this morning. If you are wondering why he is so young and has multiple sleds contact Grandpa Frank for that story. Luckliy Grandpa doens't mind storing them b/c their is no room in our garage for them. So when grandpa was done plowing snow this morning he brought one of the sleds for Jake to try out. The first battle was getting his mittens out but after that we has fine. He seemed to enjoy the ride. Hopefully this will be the last snow of 2009 so we won't have the opportunity to use them any more. We can't wait till it is nice out and we can go for rides in the stroller and play with our outside toys.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Baby is 9 months old

Jake turned nine months this week. We had his nine month doctor appointment yesterday. He weights 23 pounds now. He is a big boy. He is wearing his twelve month clothes which makes mommy a little sad. We found out at his appointment that he has an ear infection in both ears. He hasn't had a fever or been too fussy but he hasn't been sleeping good at all. He is on medicine now so hopefully that will help. Jake really wants to crawl but just can't figure it out. He gets up on his and and knees and then just plops down. I'm sure he will be crawling soon. He is still rolling everywhere he wants to go and has even taught his little buddy at daycare to roll.

Mommy's New Hot Rod

Ok so daddy named this post. That is when I told he me should learn to post on the blog. I had to get pictures posted as people were asking why I hadn't posted a picture of my new car yet. We actually got it last weekend. I drove it home after the melting snow that is why it is sooo dirty. It's a GMC Acadia it's hard to tell in the picture but it's a dark blue on the outside and gray in the inside. It seats 7 people so I feel like I am driving a huge truck. I am getting used to it though and really do love it!! You can see Jake in his stroller helping daddy put the mud flaps on. Yes they are in the garage and he is warm enough as I think it was warmer in the garage when i went out there than it is in the house. That new heater daddy got work good. There is also a picture of Jake in his car seat. I think he can kinda see out the window.