Friday, December 25, 2009

Sleddin on Christmas Day

Since we got all of this snow we thought we would put it to good use this afternoon. Jake enjoyed his ride with Grandpa pulling him on his sled. He also enjoyed going down the little hill by our drive way with daddy on the saucer sled and eventually even went down by himself. I think there will be more sledding to come with all the snow we got.

Jake and his "Buddy" Louie

Whose chasing Who???

Merry Christmas!!!

A few pictues of Jake opening his presents and a picture of him with all his gifts from mommy and daddy, and Santa. We don't say Santa much at our house as he is still pretty scared of Santa

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jake, Daddy and the Work Bench

Daddy built Jake a work bench last weekend. He love to spend time in the Garage sorting nuts and blots (daddy has learned to only give him the big ones as they are easier to pick up). He can litterly be out there and behave for hours. Who knew all those wipes containers we have would be put to such good use.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellie!!

Ellie celebrated her third birthday last week. She is pictured will all of her cousins.

Santa Take 2

We took Jake to santa in Lennox for another try. He did OK this time. He still freaks out when we bring out his Santa Mr. Potato head.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

We took Jake to breakfast with Santa this morning. We can honestly say he did not like santa one bit. He was ok with the nice lady who made him the balloon sword. His favorite part was probably the fun cup he got to drink his juice from. It's amazing how much fun a cup can be. We'll update you later if he liked his candy cane. I promised Jake he could take it over and share it with Grandpa Frank and get all sticky at grandpa and grandmas house.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jake's Pedal car a work in progress

Here is a picture of Jakes pedal car that daddy is working on. Daddy has been working hard and it is looking awesome. Daddy posted a link on his facebook page but I couldn't figure how to look at it. So for those of you who couldn't see the link or aren't friends with Justin on facebook here is the picture. Jake know when we get out of the car that the pedal car is MINE. He loves to help daddy work on it but seems to be much more of a hinderance and tends to get dirty in the garage.

Boy's doing Chores

Jake loves to "Watch" these days. He is pictured here helping daddy wash dishes. He also loves to look out the window. Especially now that we have our Christmas lights up and so do a lot of our neighbors.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daddy where is my laffy taffy? I hid one under here yesterday. It's amazing how such a little boy can remember where he hids stuff but he sure can.

Jake's First Hair Cut

Jake wasn't too excited about getting his hair cut but his is looking good now that we finally got it done.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our little Yoda with his lightsaber

We had a great halloween. Jake was a good boy and enjoyed getting candy. He got a ton of candy so he will probably have to share with Grandpa. He had fun hanging out with all his cousins and visiting Grandam and Grandpa. We only did a little trick or treating as we got sick of putting him in and out of the car. Jake did have a good time handing out candy too.

Jake with Grandma Jake at the Senior Center

The Girls

Ellie is a Ladybug, Isabelle is a bee, and Sydney is a pumpkin. Jake had no desire to have his picture taken so he ran away.

Jake and Isabelle

Jake in his light up Halloween Shirt

Thanks Grandma for the cool shirt!!

Hanging out at Uncle Jeremy's on Halloween

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I know it's about time that I got around to posting pictures. I have many excuses for not posting lately. Our desk top computer has a virus and had to go get fixed. I have such a hard time puting pictures on our desk top. I have also been a little under the weather lately. I have had a cough for what Justin says has been three weeks and I also have a Staph infection that is finally getting better after two rounds of antibiotics. Jake has been feeling pretty good. He got sent home from daycare one day with a fever but other than that he's been good. He is catching a little bit of my cough but countinues to eat us out of house and home so we know he is doing good. Have a great week everyone and hopefully you will see Halloween pictures of our little Yoda next week.

Jake's Pumpkin

Jake painted his pumpkin last Friday at daycare. I think he did a great job. Yes that is the only spot that is painted but what do you expect for a 16 month old. He really doesn't like to draw or finger paint or any of that kid of thing yet but hopefully he will soon. It did start out with a stem on it but Jake sometimes thinks his pumpkin is a ball and throughs it. That is how we lost the stem.

Hangin on the couch with Daddy

Jake in his Huntin bibs with with duck daddy named Howard.

Playin at my Cousins

Some cute pictures of Jake and Ellie playing at Ellie's house. Can't believe they actually played star wars. Must have know what to do from watching their dads play the Star Wars WII game.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gettin Pumpkins

Ellie and Sydney came over to play on Saturday afternoon. Before they went home we went out to Strassers to pick out pumpkins. Jake picked his out right away. You can see us pictured with his pumpkin. Daddy and I got one to share and we got a few other things. I really want to paint a face on one of the pumpkins but we will see if that actually happens.

mmmm pickles

Jake has fallen in love with pickles lately. Daddy introduced him to them a couple of weeks ago and now he just can't get enough. At least he is getting some veggies.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Homecomming Week!

It was homecomming this week in Lennox. Jake had a great time dressing up each day at daycare. Ok I think mommy had more fun dressing him up he could have cared less but it was fun to do something differnt this week. Jake didn't go to the parade this year but I think he will make it next year. I think it was warmer today than it was for the 4th of July this year.

Orange and Black Day - Go Orioles!!!

Hat, Tie, and Shades day. Grandpa had fun trying on Jakes Hat and Shades. We actually just posed for the picture this day as Jake wouldn't have kept his hat, tie, or shades on at all.

Mismatch Day - Grandpa thought that Daddy dressed Jake this morning.

80's Day - He's supposed to be dressed as Mr. T.

PJ Day - Really Jake just wanted his breakfast