Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jake's 6 Month's Old

Wow it has been a long time since i have posted anything! The holidays are catching up with me already. Mommy and Daddy took Monday off of work to spend the day with Jake. I can't believe his is already 6 Months old. We took Jake for pictures. He did an awesome job and to see the doctor for his 6 month check. He passed with flying colors. He is still a big boy weighing in a 6 lbs and 20 oz. That is the 95th percentile for those of you keeping track on that scale. Jake had 4 shots and didn't like them at all but calmed down pretty well after. Jake continues to love going to daycare. He had a friend named Jevin that he plays with most days. Ok playing at 6 months old consists of sitting in their saucers talking back and fourth. It is pretty neat to walk in and see them smile at each other. We did have a small 1/2 brithday party for Jake when aunt Andrea was home. We are always looking for a reason for Grandma to make us a cake!

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