Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So many new toys what to play with 1st??

Jake is showing off some of his new toys. He really enjoys playing with everything he got for Christams! Ellie was over to play too. Jake loves to watch cousin Ellie play. He likes to hang out with her much more than mom and dad. We aren't fun like her. She was trying to teach Jake to shoot hoops but he was much more interested in eating the balls.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Ellie

I had to post a picture of Ellie's Birthday party too. She recently turned two. The picutre is of her with her cake and all of her cousins that were there. Jake is off to the right of her being held by Ellie's cousin John.

Happy Holidays!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! We did. I have attached some pictures from our holiday. Christmas Eve we went to church and to my Grandma Jake's (my dad's side of the family). We had a great time playing with Faith. Christmas morning first we opened gifts just the three of us and then headed over to my parents. We opened presents and had lunch with my family. Then daddy and Jake played and mommy took a nap. It was great. I don't think I have had a good nap since I was home on maternity leave. We went to grandpa Ron and Grandma Marlene's for christmas night. Jake had lots of fun opening gifts and watching Ellie play. He loves to watch Ellie and is so good when she is around. She really entertains him. The top picture I am showing the new booties that grandma Marlene crocheted (sp) him . They are so cute. I plan to put him in them when he goes to daycare. Jake got lots of fun new toys to play with so hopefully we will have a few posts of him playing soon. He is getting pretty good at sitting up but still can't sit by himself yet. He has no interest in crawling. Althought, his Aunt Andrea is sure she can teach him to crawl before she goes home. Jake also really enjoys playing with Louie Aunt Andrea's puppy. He spent the day after christmas with Grandma, Grandpa, Andrea and Louie as daycare was closed and mommy and daddy had to work. He likes to pet the puppy and watch him play. Next time Louie comes I have a feeling Jake will be chasing him. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


We went to see Santa when he was in town Thursday night. Their was

a long line and I just wanted to leave but daddy said it best "this is just the first of many lines you will be standing in for Jake get used to it." He wasn't scared at all we will see what next year brings. You can't really see it but his shirt says"I love you more than Santa"


Sorry for the typo below. Jake weighs 20lbs 6oz. I never had a 6 lb baby!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Cup What's this?

Dr. Eich suggested we start giving Jake a cup to learn to drink from. Here is one of his first drinks. He really doesn't understand it yet but didn't make too much of a mess either.

Jake's 6 Month's Old

Wow it has been a long time since i have posted anything! The holidays are catching up with me already. Mommy and Daddy took Monday off of work to spend the day with Jake. I can't believe his is already 6 Months old. We took Jake for pictures. He did an awesome job and to see the doctor for his 6 month check. He passed with flying colors. He is still a big boy weighing in a 6 lbs and 20 oz. That is the 95th percentile for those of you keeping track on that scale. Jake had 4 shots and didn't like them at all but calmed down pretty well after. Jake continues to love going to daycare. He had a friend named Jevin that he plays with most days. Ok playing at 6 months old consists of sitting in their saucers talking back and fourth. It is pretty neat to walk in and see them smile at each other. We did have a small 1/2 brithday party for Jake when aunt Andrea was home. We are always looking for a reason for Grandma to make us a cake!