Saturday, July 7, 2012

Playing with Annie and Louie

Jake LOVES Annie's puppy Louie.  Lucy was pretty scared of the puppy for a few days but eventually warmed up to him.  

Our 1st Pets

Jake got two fish this week.  Nemo and Corey.  He loves to feed them.  Hopefully, he continues to want to take care of them.  

Happy 4th of July

We had a great 4th of July.  Lucy enjoyed the parade especially the candy.  Jake still hates loud noises so had to "hide" during parts of the parade but will also able to score plenty of candy.  

Happy 3rd Birthday Sydney

Train Museum

We had a great trip to the Train Museumn in Sioux City. 

Happy 4th Birthday Jacob

It's hard to believe our little man is 4 years old.  Where has the time gone??  

Welcome to the Family Logan Kane Carlson

We are excited to have another cousin.  Jake is especilly to have a boy cousin to teach boy things to.