Monday, February 27, 2012

Eating my Brother's Leftovers

Lucy has learned to climb up on the kitchen chairs. Anything her brother doesn't eat she will.

First Hair Cut

Lucy got her first hair cut this weekend. She

did ok. She didn't care for it but there was not screaming and crying like her big brother.

Winterfeast of Wheel's Car Show

Jake's favorite car and the car show... Or did he just like the big scooby doo???

Brushin teeth and combing hair

Eatin supper and lickin my plate clean

Playin Picnic

Jake and Lucy LOVE to play with the kitchen and playhouse Santa brought them. We have picnic's quite often. Yes there really are 108 pieces of food in the 108 piece food set.

First Snowfall

We haven't had much snow this winter but the day we did we had fun playing outside for a little while.