Monday, October 29, 2012

Carving and decorating our pumpkins

First Snowfall of The Year

Jake had been praying for snow and the minute he realized it snowed he needed to play outside.  My was freezing but they had some fun before all the snow melted.  

Happy Birthday Lucy

Lucy at her 2nd birthday party.  With help from her brother and cousins with her presents.  

Lucy holding baby Logan

A trip to the pumpkin patch with our cousins

Happy Birthday Lucy

A couple of presents on the day of Lucy's 2nd birthday. 

A Trip to the Brookings Childrens Museum

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lucy just playing

A trip to the Lennox park

We find oursleves at the park quite often.  It's nice to leave the house for a little bit but close enough that we don't tend to stay too long.  

Playing at Home in the Sandbox

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jake's First Day of Preschool

Jake started preschool this afternoon.  His sister definatly wanted to join him.  He was excited to play with the new toys and could have cared less that mom was leaving him there.   Hope he has a great day.  

Prairie Village

Jake and Daddy met Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marlene for some fun at Prairie Village.  Lucy would have loved to join them but she woke up that morning with Pnemonia and ended up at Urgent Care instead.  Jake didn't pull far in the kiddie tractor pull but had a great day.  

Hanging out at the Turner County Fair with our Cousins

We were able to meet up with all our Cousins at the Turner County fair on Tuesday night.  We all had a good time.  Jake went on Wednesday and Thursday for the figure eight races and derby such a busy boy he is. 

Old Fashioned Saturday Parade

Isabelle and Jake rode with Grandpa Ron in the ambulance for the Old Fashioned Saturday Parade in Hurley.