Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lightning McQueen

Grandpa Ron found this cool McQueen costume at a rummage. I have a feeling Jake might be wearing it quite often. He even had to wear the hat to his Doctor appointment the other day.

8 Months Old

Inflatibles at the Zoo.

Jake would have never got on the big slide himself but luckily our neighbor girl Hannah happened to be at the zoo for zippity zoo days too. She got him to go on this big slide and he loved it. We went to Phil Baker too but Jake was to shy he just sat on my lap the whole time.

Our new Fort

Jake thinks it is fun to hang out under the desk in his room. At least he invited his sister to play too.

Happy 3rd Birthday Jake!!!!

A Day at the Zoo

Who needs toys when you have a laundry basket??

Cradle Rocking at Church in Hurley

7 Months Old

Lucy's 7 month pictures. Late but better than never.