Thursday, February 24, 2011

We are Moving !!!

Our most exciting news in a long time. We are moving. Luckily, we are only going four blocks down the street but who knew how much work it is to move.

Readin my Sister a Story

Jake had his Tag out today and all of a sudden he told me he was going to read his sister a story. I thought that is odd I turned around and sure enough they were reading a story together.

Out for a walk

Last week before our huge ice storm we were able to go out for a walk. Lucy fell asleep two blocks down the street but Jake definatly enjoyed being out and about. We can't wait for Spring.

Lucy Rolled Over!!

Lucy rolled over last week. I was getting the kids ready to go outside and SURPRISE she had rolled over. Jake said "get the camera mommy" or I probably wouldn't have remembered to take a picture. She isn't moving much yet but i'm sure she will be soon.

Helpin Daddy cook with the Smoker

Daddy got a new toy. A meat smoker. I didn't think I would like it but he has made us some awesome meals. We will let him cook anytime.

Happy Valentine's Day

Not a big celebration but we had a fun Valentine's Day. Justin and I were able to go out to lunch
together Sunday afternoon. Jake made rice krispie bars with Grandma Barb and Cupcakes with me. Jake got some new Thomas books and Lucy got a book and onesie.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Playing Outside

Jake had a great time building a snowman with dad yesterday. It was a little warmer and he LOVES to be outside. Apparently, the cold doesn't bother little ones like it does mommy. Jake also enjoys riding in the snow plow pick up with Grandpa Frank. He went this morning early to help with the church parking lot but got really tired. I asked him if he took a nap in the snow plow pick up like I used to when I was a kid and he said NO there isn't a bed in the pickup. I walked and Jake rode in the sled to grandma and grandpas this morning too and he played out in the snow for quite a while after nap. We can't wait for spring.

4 Months Old

Lucy turned four months old this week. Time flies. She was in the 50th percential in all areas. I guess she is just an average kid which is very differnt for me because her brother was so big. She weighs 13lbs and 8.5 oz. I tried giving her a little cereal yesterday as some times she seems so hungry but she just spit it back out. We'll wait a little while I'm sure she will be ready soon.

Such a BIG girl

Lucy is starting to like some of her toys and watching her brother. She likes to sit in her high chair and watch us eat or watch her brother color.

I got my THOMAS!! Officially Potty Trained

We can now say that Jake is officially potty trained. As of today he hasn't had an accident in two weeks. He got to get his Thomas train out last weekend because we told him months ago he could have it when he was potty trained. I never thought this day would come but he is doing a great job. The only problem is those darn automatic flushing toilets he is sooo scared of. We have been keeping close to home a lot lately. Lucy likes to watch Thomas go around and around too.

Happy Birthday Grandma Barb

Jake LOVES birthdays. He especially loved celebrating Grandma Barb's birthday because he got to open the presents and blow out the candles three differnt times.