Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Baby Girl

Uncle Jeremy took this awesome picture of Lucy this past weekend. I LOVE it and just had to share.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Decorating our Tree and Hanging our Stockings

We got our tree up and stockings hung this weekend. Jake is such a good helper. Now we will see if he can keep his tiny hands off the tree and away from the presents until Christmas. Dad and Jake hung a few lights up outside too but we didn't get pictures of that adventure. Jake loves to drive around town and look at Christmas lights and we end up going almost every night. We can't wait to take him to falls park to see all of the lights there.

Grandma's Gang

A picture of Lucy, Ellie and Grandma Marlene. Ellie LOVES to hold Lucy. A quick picture of Grandma Marlene and Grandpa Ron with all of their grandkids on Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Playing Trains

A quick picture of Daddy and Jake playing trains and Lucy watching.

A trip to Trains at Christmas

Sturday we took Jake to Trains at Christmas held at the Expo building. Jake had a great time and loved the trains. He also loved that he got some 1 on 1 time with mom and dad. Lucy had a great time hanging out with Grandma Barb.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big Brother and Little Sister

I got Jake a big brother shirt just before Lucy was born and Lucy got a little sister shirt as a gift. We couldn't resist a couple of pictures with these cute shirts on. And the best picture of them together includes grandpa's arm but that's ok we'll edit that out when we print pictures.

Little Stinker

Jake was supposed to be taking a nap but her found it fun to play with his socks instead. Then once he knew we got the camera out he had pose for us.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mommy's Helper

Jake is a good helper!! He is laying with his sister in his room while I track down some clothes for her. Later that day after all the hard work taking a nap with Eagle. I couldn't resist posting this cute picture. I'm sure when he gets in high school he'll love this picture.

November 6th 2010 and We can play Outside!!!

We had a great time spending a few hours outside today. It isn't too oftern that the temperature hits 70 degrees in November. Jake and Grandpa even went to the park this afternoon.

Tummy Time

Jake thought he would have tummy time with Lucy today. Such a good brother. Tummy time didn't last long because she tends to go right to sleep. Who wouldn't want to sleep on that soft little puppy her aunt Cheryl got her.

Time Changes = Tired

We are all tired around our house. Kids just don't understand that when the time changes you get an extra hour of sleep and you should sleep longer.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1 Month Old

It's hard to believe Lucy is already a month old. She is a good little girl. If only she didn't want to eat every two hours. She is growing!! It will be interesting to see how much she weighs at her next doctor appointment.

Happy Halloween

We had a fun Halloween. Jake was a tractor and Lucy a Roller Derby Ref (her auntie is so proud) We started out trick or treating on Saturday night at the Senior Citizens where we had to go to see Grandma Jake. Jake knew that she had M&M's so he was excited to go. On Sunday night Jake didn't want to take pictures so this is the best we got. Lucy and I stayed home and handed out candy and Jake and daddy took Grandpa Frank trick or treating. They had a great time and came home with plenty of candy.