Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I LOVE my Sister

Yesterday when I was making lunch Jake must have thought his sister was lonley and needed her doll because when I turned around he had put her doll by her. I just couldn't resist taking a picture and posting it. I guess he is going to be pretty protective of her.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Party

We were able to have a halloween party for Jake and all his cousin's on Saturday. It was fun. Poor Sydney was not feeling good so she wan't able to come.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Making Jake's Halloween Costume

After Jake went to bed last night we made his halloween costume. He is going to be a farmer/tractor. Pictures of him in the costume to come.

Making Ghost Cookies

Jake and I made ghost cookies Friday morning. Ok here is how it really went. Lucy slept in her chair. Jake ate nutter butters plain and chocolate chips. I dipped the cookies and put the chocolate chips on for the eyes. Jake wasn't too interested but did sit nicely at the table the whole time.

Lucy's First Bath

Lucy didn't mind her first bath too much. She is a pretty laid back little girl. She really enjoyed the new warm bag jammies that her aunt Cheryl got her.

Don't stand on the new chairs

Dad you said I couldn't stand on the new chairs but you didn't say Woodie couldn't :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I gained a pound last week :)

We took Lucy to the doctor on Friday and she gained a pound in just over a week. I was very excited about this because at Jake's two week appointment he had lost a bunch of weight. I guess her eating ever two hours is worth it. Check out the cute new blanket my coworker Amy made her.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Everyone is Tired at our House

A quick picture of everyone resting. Jake really had no desire to lay down and rest but wanted to be in the picture. Lucy sleeps pretty good at night. Typically getting up at midnight and 4 am to eat and Jake typically gets up at 6 am. It seems that 6 am comes around really quickly after the 4 am feeding.

Can I have some ice cream daddy??

Do you want a sucker sister?

Jake made a trip to the gas station and came home with three suckers. Dave loves to give him multiple suckers because he knows that mommy only likes Jake to get one at a time. Gotta love your small town gas station where you get free suckers whenever you go. Jake learned about the suckers quickly and asks to go get gas quite often.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to our Family Lucy Kay Carlson

Lucy Kay Carlson was born on Friday 10/1/10 at 6:31 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 5 oz.

LHS Homecoming 2010

Jake had a great time dressing up for Homecoming week this year. Ok he could really care less but mom had a good time putting his outfits together. Monday was pajama day. Tuesday farm day. Wednesday crazy hair day but we didn't participate because Jake didn't want to. Thursday mismatch day. Friday black and orange day. They also tie died t-shirts for homecoming and Jake's turned out really cute. I'll have to try and get a picture of him wearing it and post that too.