Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feedin Eagle

Anyone that grew up around Justin will recongnize his cabbage patch doll Eagle. Jake loves to feed him and now even sleeps with him most nights. Jake enjoys quite a few of daddy's old toys. Daddy's tractors and cars are much sturdier than the ones they make today. You definatly know this when they get dropped on your feet or you step on them.

mmmm doughnuts

Who doesn't like doughnuts? Once in a while we will go to Casey's and get doughnuts for breakfast. Just had to show off our messy little boy.

Ridin Grandpa Ron's Tractor

Grandpa Ron brought this cool tractor at a rummage sale. It was supposed to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house but some home Jake talked them into letting him take it home. I think it has become Jake's tractor now. Wonder if that has to do with him being the only Grandson???

A Trip to Prairie Village

I have been horrible about blogging lately.... A couple weeks ok or a month ago Jake and Dad went to Prairie Village to spend some time with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marlene. They had a great time and Jake especially liked riding the train.