Sunday, June 13, 2010

Playing Outside

Who knew a two year old could play outside with branches he found in the back yard for over an hour. He played with these darn branches all weekend. Check out the cool rain boots we scored at a rummage. Daddy taught Jake to jump/stomp in puddles this morning. He had a great time.

Playin with my Trains

We got Jake this train set for his birthday and he loves it. I have to be careful because it is set up downstairs and he will sneak away to play with it. The other morning when I was getting ready for work it suddenly got too quiet. Sure enough he was down stairs driving his car on dad's blue ray player. He stopped as soon as he came into the room. Good thing nothing got broken.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Jake

We had a great birthday party. Jake enjoyed having supper with all his grandparents, great grandmas, aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course mom and dad. He got a ton of nice gifts and we can't wait to play with everything tomorrow. The weather was perfect so we got to spend the evening outside. He had a great time playing with his cousins eventhough Jake still isnt' the greatest sharer. I forgot to take a picture of his cupcakes before we at them so him blowing out the candels is the best it gets. Hopefully, I will remember to take better pictures next year. We didn't tell Jake we were having cake but he must have known because he only ate a couple bites of his supper but managed to eat a cup cake and a half.

Playin with my cousins at my birthday party

Cake with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma got a small cake so we could have it on Jake's actual birthdday before we had his party. He had a great time blowing out the candel, eating cake, and opening one present.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Our Birthday Trip to the Zoo

Time flies. It's Jake's second birthday today. We took him to the zoo this morning. I was nice to go in the morning before it got to hot. He liked the animals but didn't want to get too close.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

We had a busy memorial day weekend. Jake spent a lot of time playing with his cousins.
We were able to have a camp fire at our house Friday night, a camp fire at Uncle Jeremy's on Saturday night and a BBQ at Aunt Sheri's on Sunday. Monday we were able to take Grandma Jake to the cemetary and go out for ice cream. Jake didn't have any ice cream Monday as he was a little crabby. Oh well all the more for mommy and we forgot to bring some home for daddy. Maybe next time daddy. Hope you all had a great weekend. We are making plans for a special birthday party next week and I'll try to get pictures posted right away.