Friday, April 9, 2010

Most of the Jacobson's

Here's a picture of most of the Jacobson's taken after Uncle How's funeral.
Daddy had to take this picture this morning. Sometimes you just have a moment. Jake was throwing a fit (a common occurance around here lately) because he just wanted to put his crocs on his mouse coat on and go outside. He just didn't understand that we needed him to put dress clothes, dress shoes and his good coat on. He did manage to get one shoe on but it was on the wrong foot.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Playing Outside

It ended up to be an awesome Easter evening. We were able to play outside for quite a while. We all had to take turns playing with all the fun toys. Hopefully, we will be able to get together again some time soon to play some more.

Zhu Zhu Pet

I found the pictures of Jake with his Zhu Zhu pet. The reason we got the pink one is we had to have the one whose name is Jilly.

Piniata Fun

I made the kids a piniata this year. I definatly thought Jeremy and Justin would be fighting over it but they didn't seem to care. It took a while but Ellie eventually got the candy to all come out. The kids were definatly surpised when the candy started hitting the blanket. They even did a good job of sharing. I'm afraind too much candy was eaten before supper though because Jake didn't eat a bite of the awesome eater supper I made. Maybe he will eat left overs tomorrow.

Jake's Easter Baskets

Jake painted his blue easter basket at daycare. It is very cute and had some great treats in it. He was even nice enough to share his jelly beans with me. Also pictured is the easter basket he got this morning. We could have just bought him the bubbles and he would have been happy. We'll have to post a picture of his zhu zhu pet some other day. He got that from Grandma and we made him leave it at her house. We haven't totally figured it out yet but i'm amazed he wasn't scared of it.