Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Justin and I were working on cleaning the house this weekend and Jake just had to help. He had his rag and was cleaning the fire place on his stool. Needless to say now there are more fingerprints on the glass than their were in the first place. Oh well... The picture above is break time reading his books.

Sittin in Sydney's Chair

Jake's favorite cousin Sydney got to spend a couple nights with us last this month. We failed to get pictures taken of them together but just had to share this picutre of Jake sitting in the vibrating chair. He is such a silly boys some times.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lookin Cute in my PJ's

Grandma Marlene got Jake thiese PJ's for Christmas. They are a little big because if you know me I always buy ahead but definatly very cute.

February 2010

My sister emailed me today to tell me that I didn't post any pictures in February. Guess we didn't do anything too exciteing. You can see Jake test driving his pedal car and our Valentines celebration other than that we didn't do much.