Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sledding and Cocoa

We had to get outside for a little bit today to run some energy out of our wild little boy. And when we came in we had coco. You should hear him say cocoa it's funny. He is doing cheers with dad in the picture. Luckily we took his shirt off before we gave it to him because part of it ended up on the floor.

My New Hat

As you can tell Jake isn't really into getting his picture taken lately. But I just had to show off the embroidery I did on his hat this weekend.

Handsome Hair Cut!!

Jake is looking awesome after his hair cut last weekend. It was a struggle to get the job done
but he is looking great now. He cried/screamed for about half and hour while the nice patient lady was attempting to cut his hair. Eventually he got so tired he laid down on grandpa and just let her cut away.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Quite Little Boy???

I was making supper on Thursday night and we were in a hurry to go to Grandma's for birthday cake before Grandpa had a meeting. I noticed Jake was being very quite. When I turned the cornere to check out what what going on he was just putting on his mittens. Luckly the camera was close by and I was able to quick snap a picture. Jake LOVES his mittens now for the longest time I couldn't get him to put them on.

Happy Birtday Grandma!!!

I know I helped my mom wrap this present yesterday and I didn't like it then but I sure couldn't wait to open it. Only to find out it was a cook book and I'm too little to read cook books. Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Isabelle!!!

Cousin Isabelle turned 1 on Friday. We had a great time celebrating her birthday on Saturday afternoon. We preped Jake all week for the party and by Satuday morning he definatly knew he was going to Isabelle's party. We had a great time and she is even walking already. The kids had fun chasing each other around. Although Jake was very scared of her singin Balloon. Jake always loves to steal Isabelle's new toys. (I think he learned the toy stealing thing from Uncle Jeremy)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christamas at Grandma Carlson's

We had a great time celebrating christamas with the Carlson's. My pictures are a little over due
but we did have Christmas a week late because of all the snow. Jake wasn't too interested in opening his gifts or playing with his gifts he just wanted what everyone else had.