Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daddy where is my laffy taffy? I hid one under here yesterday. It's amazing how such a little boy can remember where he hids stuff but he sure can.

Jake's First Hair Cut

Jake wasn't too excited about getting his hair cut but his is looking good now that we finally got it done.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our little Yoda with his lightsaber

We had a great halloween. Jake was a good boy and enjoyed getting candy. He got a ton of candy so he will probably have to share with Grandpa. He had fun hanging out with all his cousins and visiting Grandam and Grandpa. We only did a little trick or treating as we got sick of putting him in and out of the car. Jake did have a good time handing out candy too.

Jake with Grandma Jake at the Senior Center

The Girls

Ellie is a Ladybug, Isabelle is a bee, and Sydney is a pumpkin. Jake had no desire to have his picture taken so he ran away.

Jake and Isabelle

Jake in his light up Halloween Shirt

Thanks Grandma for the cool shirt!!

Hanging out at Uncle Jeremy's on Halloween