Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gettin Pumpkins

Ellie and Sydney came over to play on Saturday afternoon. Before they went home we went out to Strassers to pick out pumpkins. Jake picked his out right away. You can see us pictured with his pumpkin. Daddy and I got one to share and we got a few other things. I really want to paint a face on one of the pumpkins but we will see if that actually happens.

mmmm pickles

Jake has fallen in love with pickles lately. Daddy introduced him to them a couple of weeks ago and now he just can't get enough. At least he is getting some veggies.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Homecomming Week!

It was homecomming this week in Lennox. Jake had a great time dressing up each day at daycare. Ok I think mommy had more fun dressing him up he could have cared less but it was fun to do something differnt this week. Jake didn't go to the parade this year but I think he will make it next year. I think it was warmer today than it was for the 4th of July this year.

Orange and Black Day - Go Orioles!!!

Hat, Tie, and Shades day. Grandpa had fun trying on Jakes Hat and Shades. We actually just posed for the picture this day as Jake wouldn't have kept his hat, tie, or shades on at all.

Mismatch Day - Grandpa thought that Daddy dressed Jake this morning.

80's Day - He's supposed to be dressed as Mr. T.

PJ Day - Really Jake just wanted his breakfast

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Feedin Grandma or Great Grandmas Birds

I remembered this morning that I forgot to post one set of pictures last night. Jake now loves to feed the birds. I think I will have to get my bird feeder out again. Everytime we play outside at Grandma's house Jake goes in the garage and gets the bird food out. We now have to trick him and pretend to feed the birds every few minutes. If we look across the street and Great Grandma's bird feeder is empty we walk across and fill hers too. Such a funny little boy!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

We had a great labor day weekend at home. I can't believe it is already coming to an end. Jake is playing nicely with dad right now but will have to go to bed soon. We didn't really have any plans but spent a lot of time palying out side at home and at Grandpa and Grandmas. We were able to have a couple of camp fires. Make a couple trips to the park and even got to play with Noah at the park. Justin and I were able to do some shopping on Sunday afternoon and Jake stayed at Grandma and Grandpas and took a nap. We even got to see all of our cousins at once and that doesn't happen too often. As we head off to bath and bed we hope that you had as good of a long weekend as we did.

Playing at Home

Jake can always find something to get into. From playing with a car or his big piggy bank to chewing on his coat. I'm wondering if he isn't teething some more.

Camp Fire

Jenna, Jordan, and Adam at Friday night's camp fire. The only kids that would sit nice enough for a picture.


Jake didn't like the garden too much. He isn't good enough at walking in the thick grass and got mad when he fell over. He did have a good time playing with mommy's tomatoes though.

Grandma and Grandpas Gang

We were able to play with all of our cousins this weekend from left to right Grandpa, Jake, Isabelle, Ellie, and Sydney is on Grandma's lap.

Grandma and Grandpa

Playin at Grandma and Grandpas House

We have been busy playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It's much easier to play there as their drive way is flat. We have told Gramdpa he needs to stop going to the auction and buying toys.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jacob gets a hammer

Jacob and I were out the other day and stoped by my metal shaping friend Jeff Dyce's shop. Before we left Jeff gave Jacob this small hammer. He fixes the lader then puts his hammer in the hammer holder everytime hes in the garage. His next tool on the list, duct tape.