Sunday, June 28, 2009

Welcome to the Family Sydney Kay Carlson

Jake got a new cousin on Saturday. Sydney Kay Carolson her mommy is Aunt Melissa and her daddy Uncle Jeremy. She is such a cute little girl. She joins big sister Ellie at home. We didn't get to see Ellie this weekend as she was busy spending time with gandma and grandpa and her other cousins. We will post more pictures soon when we can get one of the girls together. Sounds like Ellie really loves her new sister. Good thing Jake loves to play with the girls as all his cousins are girls and the majority of kids in his room at daycare seem to be girls too. We were just telling Sydney today soon she will be old enough to fight over toys with Jake.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Walking Update

I forgot to mention in my previous post that at Uncle Jeremy's graduation party Jake actually took 3 steps on his own. I am not encouraging him to walk too much but I know both sets of Grandparents can't wait till he can walk. We'll have to post a video when he gets it down.

Congrats Uncle Jeremy!!!

Uncle Jeremy graduated with his MBA yesterday. Congrats!! We had a great time hanging out with Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Melissa, Ellie and all the other family that was able to attend Jeremy's graduation party. Ellie really wanted Jake to play with her in the pool and she just doesn't understand why he doesn't like the pool. It was a great day to spend outside grillling the weather was perfect. We were also able to have a fire in their fire pit later in the evening. It was a great time. Maybe we'll have pictures to post of our new cousin this week.

A Ceral Boy and Sippy Cup

Who knew a ceral box and sippy cup could be so much fun. Daddy and I ofter wonder why we even buy toys. In case you were wondering he did really drink from the cup while it was inside the box.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Juice & Cheetos

Jake was sitting on my lap on Saturday afternoon after lunch and decided he wanted a cheeto. No big deal except they were Jalipino cheetos. He ate three before we made him stop as they get pretty spicy even for mommy and daddy. I was surprised he didn't get a tummy ache. Then later that day I was having a capri sun. Jake wanted some and ended up drinking most of it. If only he would eat the food we put on his tray and want him to eat.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Birthday Party Picts

Here are a few pictures of Jake's Birthday Party. It ended up working out best for us to have it at Grandma Carlson's house. We had a great time and have go send a BIG Thank You out to my co worker Amy for making the frosting for his Cars Birthday Cake

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Celebration and Sadness

Just wanted to let everyone know that Jake's procedure went good. He got his tubes in his ears yesterday and seems to be doning fine with them. They said he had quite the ear infection when they got in there to do it so he will be on an oral antibiotic along with with drops for 5 days.

Justin's grandpa carlson passed away late Thrusday night. Please keep us and his family in his prayers. We are off to day to run some errands this morningg and then to Hurley to be with his family.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I just want a Snack Pack DAD

Birthday Boy!!

Here are a few pictures from Jake's birthday tonight. We ate supper and had cupcakes at grandma and grandpa's and opened one present. Ellie was able to come spend some time with us tonight so she was helping Jake blow out his candles and open his presents.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I can't believe that our little man will turn one tomorrow. Hopefully, we will have a couple birthday pictures to post tomorrow or Friday. We won't have our birthday party till Sunday so I'm sure we will have some pictures to post after that. Just want to remind everyone to say a prayer for Jake tomorrow. Not only is it his birthday but he will get his tubes put in his ears on Friday. I will try to post a message Friday afternoon when we get home from the hospital to let everyone know how things went.