Friday, January 30, 2009

Tooth Update

When we picked Jake up from daycare today he showed us his second tooth. I hadn't seen the second tooth till tonight. They are both still working on coming through so we only get about one glimpse of them per day. I will post pictures of them as soon as he lets us see them long enought to take a picture.

Jump Jump Jump .......

Here is our first try at video. Daddy caught Jake Jumping in his Jonny Jump Up tonight. They tell us he loves to Jump at daycare but will never do it for us at home or at Grandma's house. We took the video on our digital camera so their is no sound. Someday I'll let daddy buy one of those fancy video cameras so we can share more videos.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Camo Bibs Finally Fit!!

Daddy bought Jake his Camo bibs when he went to Illinois a few months ago. He stopped at Bass Pro Shop on the way and found them. Good thing we don't have that store here or we might be broke. I know he is sitting in a pink chair. We borrowed it from Ellie and it was the easiest place to set him for a picture while he was still smiling. He is still working on his first tooth. You can feel it but Jake won't let us see it too often. He was a little crabby late yesterday afternoon when he wanted daddy to come in and play. He was sick of playing with mommy. We are lucky he has been a good boy. Daddy got his new heater installed in the garage yesterday and has turned it on now to make sure it works. So I'm sure Jake will have many more Saturdays inside with mommy since daddy can go work in the garage again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to the Family Isabelle!!

Jake got to meet his newest cousin last Friday night. Isabelle Sophia. Justin's sister Sheri is her mommy. She is a little cutie pie. Jake didn't really care to play with her he was more interested in what Grandma and Grandpa were doing. He was very confused when she started to cry though.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper

Here is a picture of Jake sitting in his high chair while I made a pan of bars this morning. I told daddy to put him in his chair so he could see what was going on. Daddy gave him all his toys and headed out to the garage. We aren't sure what daddy is working on ou there but he sure is being noisy. I only had to pick up the toys a couple times.

So Tired

Jake decieded to sleep in on Saturday morning. He only gets to sleep in our bed on the weekends when we don't want to get up. I was trying to get him up so we could head to the farm before the bad weater was supposed to come but as you can see he didn't want to get up.