Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just like my Great Grandpa Carlson

We were out shopping for a little while Saturday night. Mommy was looking for a christmas outfit for Jake and daddy found this hat that we just couldn't live without. Jake even got to wear it to Jenna's baptism today.


This is one of the first snow falls this year. We woke up Saturday morning to about an inch of snow on the ground. We bundled Jake up in his snow suit and took him out for an adventure. He didn't really mind when I set him down in the snow so that suit must be nice and warm. Jake is just waiting for another snowy day when grandpa has time to come over and pull him on one of his sleds.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I can roll over

Jake decided this morning that he was going to roll from his back to his tummy. I got him dressed and put him down on the floor. I told him "mom has to get her coffee ready and her sweater on and then we will go to daycare" when I turned around to put him in his car seat he was on his tummy talking. Needless to say neither mommy or daddy saw him roll over for the first time. I had a tear in my eye and called my mom right away. Then we called daddy he was a little sad he missed it too. He hasn't done it again but we were working on it some more tonight. Before I know it our little guy will be crawling.