Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome Home Adam!! We Love You!!

Jake's Uncle Adam (Adam is our good friend but we call him unlce) is home from Iraq!! We were so lucky to see him today at baptism. Jake loves the bear that Adam brought him all the way from Ireland where they stopped on the way home. We are one the count down till Adam and Angela have their baby (6 weeks to go). We can't wait to see Jake's new friend.

Jake's Baptism

Jake was baptised today. We are so blessed. We had a great day! He was such a good boy!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grandpa Ron I'm ready to go Hunting

Jake got to wear his hunting outfit for the first time today. If you look really close you can see he has puppy socks on too. His hunting dog socks :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Saucer Time!!

We tried out Jake's exersaucer for the first time tonight. He is a little small of it still but I think he will really enjoy it soon. He liked it for a few minutes but then was ready to get out of there.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Look What I can Do!!

Jake suprised mommy and daddy tonight when we did tummy time. He is getting very strong and held his head like this for over five minutes. I guess we knew he does tummy time at daycare but hadn't realized how strong he has gotten.

We Love You Grandma & Grandpa

We were able to travel to Scottland for Justin's Cousion Thomas's Weedding this weekend. Congrats Thomas and Tracy. Jake was a good boy and can be seen in the picture with Grandma and Grandpa Carlson. I also attached a picture of cousin Ellie. She was a very good girl too!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Go Denver Roller Dolls!!

We were able to go watch my Aunt Andrea and the Denver Roller Dolls in Lincoln. Jake is dressed up like a referee just like his Aunt. She is working on teaching him the rules of derby so he can be an awesome ref like her some day. We had a great time at the Bout especially since Denver won big! Jake really enjoyed looking at the lights on the scoreboard, and taking a nap.

Our Trip To Lincoln NE

We were able to travel to Lincoln NE this weekend. Jake had quite a few fun adventures. He got to sit on the ride on toy in the mall with Grandpa and Go swimming in the hotel pool with daddy. He hated the pool just like I expected. He still doesn't really enjoy his bath time so we have to make that as fast as possible.