Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Trip to the Fair

We made another trip to the fair Thursday night the last night of the fair. We had seen the cute cut outs on Monday but didn't think we should get Jake out in the rain. We especially love the cat in the second picture with Jake and Grandpa Ron.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mommy's 1st Day back to Work

Daddy took a quick picture of us this morning my first day back to work. Jake had a great day at Grandma's and I did ok too. I did really miss my little guy but kept very busy all day am proud to say I only called home once to check on Jake.

Jake's 1st Turner County Fair

We went to the fair Monday night. It started to rain on the way there but we were troopers. The first picture is of Dad and Jake in the old west town. The second picure is what Jake really saw the majority of the time we were there. :)

Mommy says Tummy Time I say Sleepy Time

Jake and Faith

Jake got to meet his second cousin Faith this past weekend. They had fun playing together but we can't wait till we see her again at Christmas they will both be a little bigger then. Faith's mom and dad are Nick and Christina Jacobson and her grandpa is Steve Jacobson.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Fly??

Last night we were sitting outside Grandma was holding Jake and a fly landed on his nose. We got it off as soon as we could but not with out a little reaction from our little guy. It all happened so fast he was a little confused but didn't cry. He was too busy looking up at the sky to get mad. I's amazing how the simple things in life can be so much fun with a baby. It was something Grandma and Mom will always remember.

My Coming Home Outfit Fits Now

I had to post this picture to show you Jake's coming home from the hospital outfit. When we came home from the hospital it was huge but we wore it anyway. The shirt fits him really good now but the shorts are still a little big. Daddy did a great job of picking out this cute outfit.

My First Try in the Bumbo Seat

We put Jake in his Bumbo seat for the first time last night. He liked it for a few minutes but after a little while it was just too much for him to keep his head steady. Hopefully, he will enjoy it more and more as he grows. Thanks Aunt Andrea for bringing my seat all the way from Denver!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jake's 2 month Doctor Appt

We took Jake to see Dr. Eich on Tuesday for his normal two month appointment. As many of you already know he is really a spitter. She determined that he has reflux so he is no on medication to help with that. He also got shots. I think the shots were harder on mommy than they were on Jake but thankfully Grandma was along to console us both. Hopefully, his new medicine will make him feel much better very soon. Mommy also hopes that he will start sleeping longer at night as I have to go back to work in 1 week :(.