Thursday, July 31, 2008

Me and My Cousin

Ellie is really starting to like Jake! Especially holding him all by herself.

Happy 30th Birthday Daddy

Today was Daddy's 30th Birthday! Grandma, Grandpa and I worked on teaching Jake to sing Happy Birthday but he just smiled at us. Jake had a great day staying at Grandma's for the afternoon while I went to work for a meeting. It is was nice to go for a short day but sad to think that I will go back to work in just a week and a half. Augugust 13th is my first day back. I will keep you all posted on how it goes.

Cruise Night's

Jake was able to experience two more cruise night's this past weekend. Friday night was in Hurley for the 125th Anniversary Celebration. Grandma and Grandpa were able to join us there. Saturday night we went to curise night in Canton for the annual car show. Justin has gotten involved in the Lincoln County Cruisers car club which put on the cruise night and car show so we both worked at the Canton car show on Sunday too. Jake was happy to have Grandma Carlson stay with him Sunday so he didn't have to be out in the hot weather.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tummy Time

Jake is starting to enjoy tummy time just a little bit. I try to get it in a few times a day for as long as he will stand it. In the second picture you can see him licking the pillow. Silly Boy!

Just like my big Cousin

I had to post this picture. I laid Jake down in his bed yesterday and when i turned around this was the position he was in. Ellie must have taught him in Monday night when she was over as she sleeps and sits in her car seat with her hands by her head pretty often.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Jake was able to help mommy water the garden for a few minutes Friday night. Luckily the bugs weren't too bad. The garden isn't doing to great this year as we seem to have a lot less time to spend on it than we did last year. Hopefully Jake gets uncle Jeremy's green thumb instead of mommy and daddy's.


Jake is just learning to smile for us a little. Grandma and Gradpa seem to be the best ones to get him to do it. Jake tends to smile for mommy at 4 am when she is really tired and he wants to stay up. He knows if he smiles in the middle of the night he will melt mommys heart and she will stay up and rock in the chair with him longer.

Happy Birthday Mommy!

I haven't been very good about taking pictures of Jake in the last few weeks. So I decided a picture with us and my birthday cake would be great. As you can see Jake really wanted some cake too. Maybe next year!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Hope everyone had a great fourth of July. Jake had a good time at his first parade. It was a nice morning and we were able to sit in the shade. We also went to the Lennox Car Show for a little while but it was a hot afternoon so we didn't stay long. Jake enjoyed lots of time with Grandma and Grandpa and also met Louie (Aunt Andrea's dog) for the first time. Louie isn't really into Jake and just left him alone.